Melissa Ann

dont live with regret

About Me

Hello. My name is Melissa, as most of you already know. I live in Woodland Washington. I was born in Eugene Oregon and have lived in the northwest my entire life. Some times I get really tired of all the rain but I live in a beautiful place with breathtaking scenery, it’s a bit lonely not living near my friends but its pretty quiet and peaceful I am happily taken by a WONDERFUL guy in Georgia.:]
Here’s some stuff about me, that’s if you’re interested. - What can I say about my life, I have had some downfalls like everyone has and I have been hurt, used, dumped. I have taken risks, I have lived, laughed, smiled, cried and been in pain and seen others in pain. In my seventeen years of life I have done things I haven’t been so proud of but I have done other things I hope my parents and those I care about are proud of. If you fall you must get back up and keep trying to improve yourself because from every mistake you make you learn. No ones perfect and I am as far from perfect as anyone could ever get.
Regardless of whether you like me, hate me, are my friend, aren’t my friend, ECT… I thank every one of you reading this for contributing to making me who I am.
There are some who think I am the scum of the earth while others love me for all my many imperfections but I just wish the doubting people would realize that I am only human and that I realize and count all the “wrong” things or “stupid” things I do in a day and believe me there are a lot. For example, I SUCK at math, anything to do with math. Usually I even have to have a calculator in order to figure out an addition problem! I talk WAY too fast sometimes and slur all my words together. I get really shy around guys and wish I could be myself. I don’t notice really important things in others lives sometimes and continue to talk about my life. I have low self-esteem; I cry easily, I shake when I get really nervous. There are so many things I wish I could get better at and some things I am even oblivious to. A lot of people gossip and spread rumors about their class mates but maybe I am not so oblivious and they are to realize that I regret those choices I have made in the past. However you cannot go on living life with regret because, then what are you learning?
For a second I would like to talk about friendships. In the last year I have lost friends and made new ones. As you grow up you realize whom your true friends are and as much as it hurts you can’t always be a kid- care free and dependent there are times you must grow up face the facts and be independent.
This is something my mom told me recently:
Some friends are there for a reason, some friends are there for a season, and some friends are there for a lifetime.
I took this to heart because it makes sense. I have had some friends take advantage of me and use me, but instead of looking down on it and gossiping, getting back at them and talking about them in return I know that there was a reason that God wanted me to befriend those people and although sometimes it hurts to lose friends there is a reason for everything and we move on with our lives and make new friends.
I don’t have many friends that I know will be there for a life time but I do have a few. It’s about quality, not quantity right?
Too many people judge each other, not just in La Center and Woodland but everywhere else. Most hear gossip and have their opinion decided for them. Please get to know me, NOT off of what people say but actually have a conversation with me. I can not guarantee you will like me but at least then you could give me a “reason” to dislike me other then high school crap. Another thing I am tired of people who shove their opinions upon others. There is a small percentage of our school that is recognized for their opinions of not only high-school propaganda but also politics. Being Mormon, I wish more people would ask more questions instead of “thinking” the Latter-day – saint church worship sheep, and other absurd things like that. Most think having a Mormon president would be a bad thing and that he would turn all of society Mormon but really people are making a huge deal out of little matters; he could voice his opinion about religion. Mitt Romney is a man of good morals and its prejudice if you think otherwise. Sure Mormons don’t believe in drinking, gambling smoking, premarital sex, Romney is Mormon so he will live by his beliefs but he’s not shoving his religion at other people. There are Catholics, Christians, Buddhist, Atheists, Mormon’s and other religions. Why are the Mormons always the religion that gets prosecuted for their beliefs? Why can’t all mankind come together as one? There is war, murder, rape, gossip, unnecessary political disputes, abortion and other issues. Don’t judge a person biased on their heritage, race, clothing, school, and country, how much money they have, religion or disabilities. Get to know them as people; individuals. Every man / women on earth have imperfections so its time to love each other for people we are.
I am a kid, a women, an adult, an adolescent, a leader, a follower,a dreamer, a fighter, a student, a daughter, a sister, granddaughter, niece, friend, enemy , girlfriend, peer, optimist, drama freak, artist, poet, hopeless romantic, writer…
I am many things, please get to know me for the many things that I am.
It’s summer and tell you the truth I am scared to be a senior because I have had the small town comfort forever [even if at times I can’t stand it.] I can say however, I am ready to leave La Center behind and continue down the path God wants me to live. Speaking of God I could not begin to thank him enough he has given me a wonderful life with a family, a good house, good community, wonderful friends [for the most part], and an amazing boyfriend. On December 31st I met the greatest guy who’s not only really good looking, but talented, trustworthy, dependable, giving, humble, funny and many other things. I would type more about him but there aren’t enough words I could type for you to see what a great person he is. The only thing I would change is how far we must live apart from each other but one we are making the distance work and are just growing , together; taking things day by day.Please don’t judge him, you don’t even know him. And if you would add him to your myspace, send him a message I am sure you will come to know what a great kind, sweet person he is. Andrew is coming on July 2 to stay with me for 12 days :) He is everything in the world to me and I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.
Here are the links of a few people who have changed my life, and who have always been there for me:


Laurissa Evitt

Sarah Evitt

Michael Evitt

Michael Harris





my heros:

Family: Kyler


Laurissa and Sam.. some of the coolest people you will EVER meet!

♥ Andrew ♥

R.I.P Kyle Cooke

Some of my other heros are
Mac Potts because of his talent and Michael Harris because he is always there for me and for fighting for our country
Name Melissa Mitchell
Gender Female
Age 17
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Men
Status In a relationship
Interests drawing, painting, acting, andrew, singing
Music pretty much anything
Movies anything
Quotes "Id rather be hated for who I am then loved for who Im not"


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Last update Jun 27, 2007


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